Courses Offered By KASU- Kaduna State University

Courses Offered By KASU – Kaduna State University is one of the higher institution owned and managed by the government of Kaduna State. The institution is one of the ranking institution in Nigeria in terms of academic and research. There are numerous programmes offered by Kasu. These programmes have been given accreditation by National Universities Commission (NUC). Read below for all the courses offered by KASU

What are the Courses Offered by KASU Faculty of Arts and Humanity?

The following programmes are found in Kaduna State University Faculty of Arts:

  • History
  • Nigerian Languages and Linguistics
  • Arabic Studies
  • Islamic Studies
  • Christian Religious Studies
  • French Studies
  • English and Drama

What are the Courses Offered by KASU Faculty of Education?

The following programmes are found in Kaduna State University Faculty of Education:

  • Educational Foundation
  • Arts and Social Science Education
  • Science Education.

Courses Offered By KASU

What are the Courses Offered by KASU Faculty of law?

The following programmes are found in Kaduna State University Faculty of law:

  • Public Law
  • Islamic Law

What are the Courses Offered-by KASU Faculty of Medical Science?

The following programmes are found in Kaduna State University Faculty of medical Science:

  • Anatomy
  • Physiology
  • Biochemistry

What are the Courses Offered by KASU Faculty of Basic Clinical Science?

The following programmes are found in Kaduna State University Faculty of Basic Clinical Science:

  • Anatomic Pathology and Forensic Medicine
  • Chemical Pathology
  • Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics
  • Haematology and Blood Transfusion
  • Medical Microbiology
What are the Courses Offered by KASU Faculty of Clinical Science?

The following programmes are found in Kaduna State University Faculty of Clinical Science:

  • Community Medicine
  • Family Medicine
  • Internal Medicine
  • Obstetrics and Gynaecology
  • Ophthalmology
  • Paediatrics
  • Psychiatry
  • Radiology
  • Surgery
What are the Courses Offered by KASU Faculty of Allied Health Science?

The following programmes are found in Kaduna State University Faculty of Allied Health Sciences:

  • Nursing Sciences (BSc Nursing)
  • Medical Laboratory Science
  • Radiography
  • Physiotherapy

What are the Courses-Offered by KASU Faculty of Management Science?

The following programmes are found in Kaduna State University Faculty of Management science:

  • Business Administration
  • Public Administration
  • Accounting
  • Banking and Finance
  • Entrepreneurship Studies
  • Labour and Industrial Relation Management
  • Procurement
  • Logistics
  • Policy and Governance
  • Marketing

What are the Courses Offered by KASU Faculty of Social Science?

The following programmes are found in Kaduna State University Faculty of social Science:

  • Sociology
  • Political Science

What are the Courses Offered by KASU Faculty of Mass Communication and Media Studies?

The following programmes are found in Kaduna State University Faculty of Mass Communication and media Studies;

  • Mass Communication.
What are the Courses Offered by KASU Faculty of Life Sciences?

The following programmes are found in Kaduna State University Faculty of life sciences:

  • Biochemistry
  • Biological Science
  • Microbiology

What are the Courses Offered by KASU Faculty of Physical Sciences?

The following programmes are found in Kaduna State University Faculty of Physical Sciences:

  • Chemistry
  • Mathematics
  • Physics
What are the Courses-Offered by KASU Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences?

The following programmes are found in Kaduna State University Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences:

  • Pharmacy

What are the Courses-Offered by KASU Faculty of Agriculture?

The following programmes are found in Kaduna State University Faculty of Agriculture:

  • Crop Science
  • Animal Science
  • Food Science Technology

What are the Courses-Offered by KASU Faculty of Environmental Science?

The following programmes are found in Kaduna State University Faculty of Environmental Science:

  • Architecture
  • Building
  • Quantity Survey
  • Geo-Informatics

The above are the programmes offered by Kasu-Kaduna State University. You can click here to visit Kaduna State University website.

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